Grocery Lists

Are you in the process of making the change to a healthier, more nutrient-dense lifestyle for you and your family? In the beginning it can be a little overwhelming. Suddenly everything at the grocery store looks toxic or contains ingredients you are trying to avoid. So you do what you’ve been told and you stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. But now your fridge is full of produce that is going to go bad before you use it all, your meals taste super bland and you are finding yourself at the grocery store every other day! 

Keep calm and trust me when I tell you: it gets easier!!

To help it get easier faster, I’ve created 3 Grocery Lists for you. This is by no means an all-inclusive list, instead it is a comprehensive starting point. Follow these lists and you will always have healthy food to cook; your kitchen will be stocked so you will have most (if not all) of the ingredients in any recipe you choose to create; and you will reduce your grocery shopping trips to once a week or less!

Grocery List 1 – Regular Purchases

This list is divided into 2 sections – weekly and bi-weekly lists. This includes fresh produce and eggs, which have a shorter shelf-life and you will consume a lot of! Download the ‘Regular Purchases’ PDF.

Grocery List - Regular Purchases - Amanda Naturally

Grocery List 2 – Monthly Purchases

These items are used frequently, but have a longer shelf life and can often be bought in bulk (which saves money!). Download the ‘Monthly Purchases’ PDF.

Grocery List - Monthly Purchases - Amanda Naturally

Grocery List 3 – Pantry Items

Having a fully stocked pantry is key to making healthy and delicious meals. It also makes it easier when you want to try a new recipe, and you have all of the ingredients already! Pantry items can be expensive though. Take oils for example: if you are throwing away your vegetable/canola oil (which I strongly recommend) and moving to healthy oils, simply purchasing avocado, olive and coconut oils can cost about $80.00! Now these oils will last you months, so it is definitely worth it, but I can appreciate that cash flow can be limiting. So to stretch your penny further, I have divided this list into high, medium and low priority pantry items. Download the ‘Pantry Items’ PDF.

Grocery List - Pantry Items 1 - Amanda NaturallyGrocery List - Pantry Items 2 - Amanda Naturally

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