Category Archives: Breakfasts

Gluten free, dairy free, paleo, sugar free, grain free breakfasts

Egg Muffins

Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally

When I sat down to write this post I promised myself I wouldn’t get up on a soapbox. But then I remembered my recipe was based on eggs. Whole eggs. Including the delicious and nutritious yolk. And out my soapbox came! My apologies in advance if you are already on the egg yolk train – skip to the bottom for my recipe for Egg Muffins. If you’re on the fence about animal fat, or simply want to understand how we got into this messy situation where eggs went from being a daily staple, to the most toxic food ever, and then back to health food again, keep on reading!

Eggs are an amazing food. They are jam-packed with nutrients such as B vitamins, protein and healthy fat. Unfortunately these poor little guys have been vilified by inappropriately designed studies that associate dietary saturated fat and cholesterol with elevated levels of systemic cholesterol and heart disease. The primary study (from the 1960’s) responsible for this nonsense was designed as such:

Rabbits were fed varying levels of cholesterol dissolved in a peanut oil medium. Observe.

There is SO much wrong with this I get angry just thinking about the damaged lives this ridiculous study caused. The three main issues I have with this study are:

  1. Rabbits are herbivores. They don’t eat animal products and are therefore not designed to digest, absorb and utilize the nutrients that come from animal products. (Unlike humans who use cholesterol to make sex hormones, vitamin D and our brain!)
  2. Peanut oil is an omega-6 (pro inflammatory), polyunsaturated fat that is very susceptible to oxidative damage. When unsaturated oils become oxidized (damaged), they become free radicals which steal electrons from unsuspecting cells and DNA, turning them into free radicals as well! This vicious chain reaction wreaks absolute havoc on the body!
  3. Saturated fat wasn’t even used!! 


Ok, let’s get down to brass tacks. In 2010 the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (read: the royalty of nutritional medical literature) did a meta-analysis of the current literature. What that means is they looked at every published article on saturated fat and if there is an association with cardiovascular disease (CVD), coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. This is their conclusion:

“A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD. More data are needed to elucidate whether CVD risks are likely to be influenced by the specific nutrients used to replace saturated fat.”

There you have it folks! Saturated fat is not the devil! Bacon, butter, eggs, ribeye steaks – suddenly back on the table!!! Now I don’t know about you, but I would have thought this news would spread like WILDFIRE. Why didn’t it? I don’t have the answer for you, but I would be willing to bet there were certain establishments that could stand to gain from squashing this delicious piece of data…

Side note: anyone else LOVE the implication that the garbage vegetable oils we’ve been using in lieu of real fats may be causing damage?

So, the good news is, eggs and bacon are back in, egg-white creepy liquid in a carton and “facon” is out! (fake + bacon…see what I did there?) Just one caveat – animal products, especially ones containing fat, are only as healthy as the environment they are raised in. Choose grass-fed, pastured or organic meat please!

Gracefully steps off soapbox…

Fried eggs and bacon (or breakfast sausage), over sweet potato hash browns, is one of my absolute favourite breakfasts! We pretty much have that every single Sunday, except for the occasional batch of plantain pancakes (stay tuned for that recipe). But unfortunately not every day is Sunday. Alas, if only we could brunch every day. So instead, I eat Egg Muffins!

This recipe is my go-to for a quick, nutritious, savoury breakfast. I’m partial to savoury breakfasts these days, but if you’re jonesing for a sweet breakfast instead, check out my Coconut Milk Parfait. A few of these make a great pre-workout snack or meal; a delicious lunch for kids at school; the perfect snack for busy mama’s; and simply the best breakfast for taking in to work! You can eat these cold or reheat them and they last up to a week in the fridge. I usually make a double batch because I know we’ll eat our way through 1 dozen in only a few days.

Egg Muffins
Serves 6
An easy grab-and-go breakfast, lunch or snack. Great for bringing breakfast to work, back to school lunches and quick snacks for busy moms!
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
35 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
35 min
  1. 1 long skinny sweet potato, roasted
  2. 6 extra large eggs (increase to 7 or 8 if eggs are smaller)
  3. ¼ cup full-fat coconut milk
  4. 1 tbsp cooking fat (bacon grease, butter, lard, tallow, coconut oil)
  5. 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  6. ¼ cup onion, diced
  7. ⅓ lb ground meat (or leftovers)
  8. ⅓ cup leafy greens
  9. sea salt
  10. pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 375F. Line muffin tin with silicone liners.
  2. Slice a roasted sweet potato into 12 slices. Place in bottom of muffin liners.
  3. Combine eggs, coconut milk, sea salt and pepper. Whisk. Distribute egg mixture evenly amongst silicone liners.
  4. Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp cooking fat in a pan over medium heat.
  5. Add garlic and onion. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Add ground meat, sea salt and pepper. Cook through. (If using leftover meat, omit this step.)
  7. Divide ground meat evenly amongst egg.
  8. Add greens to the same pan. Sautee briefly until wilted. Approximately 2 minutes. Add to egg cups.
  9. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until egg is set.
Amanda Naturally

Line muffin tin with silicon liners, slice pre-roasted sweet potato and place in bottom of liners. 

Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally  Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally  Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally

Crack eggs into bowl, add coconut milk, sea salt and pepper. Whisk to combine. Distribute evenly amongst silicone muffin liners.

Egg Muffins - Amanda NaturallyAdd garlic and onion to pan. Sautee for a few minutes. Add ground beef and cook through.

Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally   Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally  

Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally

Divide meat equally amongst egg-filled muffin liners. I used approximately 1 tbsp ground meat per cup. Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally

Sautee veggies in the same pan. Add to muffin cups and bake at 375F for 15-20 minutes.

Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally  Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally

Egg Muffins are done cooking when they are slightly firm to the touch and they start to pull away from the sides.

Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally   Egg Muffins - Amanda Naturally


So tell me – what’s your favourite way to eat eggs? Share in the comments below!


Coconut Milk Parfait

Coconut Milk Parfait - Amanda NaturallyRemoving dairy from my diet was absolutely crucial in gaining my health back. As a child I always had stomach issues and in hindsight, dairy was likely the culprit. Not only was constant consumption (seriously, I was obsessed!) causing chronic low-grade inflammation in my body and setting the stage for recurrent ear infections and strep throat, it took a serious toll on my digestion. Let’s just say it slowed everything down to a crawl. I had to eat 3-4 hours before any exercise, otherwise I’d lose my meal! Knowing what I know now about exercise and nutrition – this is not ideal. Cutting dairy vastly improved my digestion (I can now eat half an hour before working out if I need to), helped my body heal from the chronic inflammation, reduced length and duration of illnesses that (rarely) get me and really opened my eyes to the dramatic healing that can occur by identifying food sensitivities. I haven’t looked back since and to be honest, I very rarely miss it!

The only thing I tend to miss is yogurt! Growing up in the 90’s and 00’s during the low-fat greek yogurt phase, I was fully addicted. Yogurt parfait’s were a regular occurance and oh how I loved them! Now there are cultured coconut and almond “yogurts” available at grocery and health food stores, but they tend to have questionable ingredients, so I avoid them. I was okay with just not having it – after 4 years of being truly dairy free you kind of forget what all those dairy-filled foods taste like! But suddenly this summer, I had a serious craving for yogurt out of nowhere. It was a hot morning, I was over my traditional egg breakfast and I just needed something fresh and cool. Enter the Coconut Milk Parfait!

I already professed my love for coconut milk in this post and this one. So I won’t go on and on about it. Just know this:

  • coconut milk is high in medium chain triglycerides (specifically lauric acid), a fat the body LOVES burning as fuel. Lauric acid is absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine, without any assistance from bile (i.e. it is very easy to digest, absorb and utilize). It is interesting to note that lauric acid is prominent in human milk – likely because it does not require a fully functioning digestive tract to be utilized!
  • most of its fat is saturated in chemical nature, so it oxidizes (goes bad) very slowly. This is one of the main reasons saturated fat is so healthy for you – stability!
  • it is naturally antimicrobial, so it fights fungi, bacteria and viruses in the body
  • it is full of satisfying fats that keep you full longer
  • it is delicious!!

Ok, so I ended up going went on and on after all. That’s how it goes with me – coconut is up on a well-deserved pedestal! 

Coconut Milk Parfait - Amanda Naturally

Coconut Milk Parfait
Serves 1
A delicious paleo, vegan, high-fat alternative to your standard yogurt and berries. It's allergen free too!
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Prep Time
2 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
12 min
Prep Time
2 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
12 min
  1. ½ cup full-fat coconut milk (Aroy D is my favourite brand)
  2. 2 tbsp chia seeds
  3. ¼ tsp vanilla extract
  4. pinch of sea salt
  5. ½ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  6. ½ banana, sliced
  1. Combine coconut milk, chia seeds, vanilla and sea salt in a small bowl. Mix well.
  2. Place in the fridge and let sit for 10 minutes (or overnight).
  3. Top with desired fruit.
  4. Enjoy!
  1. If your coconut milk is particularly thin, you may need more chia seeds to thicken it up.
  2. Add nuts for a crunchy texture.
  3. Make in bulk on Sunday and have breakfasts prepared for the entire week!
  4. If you don't like the consistency of chia/coconut milk, blend the milk mixture after it has soaked for a while to achieve a smoother consistency.
Amanda Naturally

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Mix well. 

Coconut Milk Parfait - Amanda Naturally
Let sit for a minimum of 10 minutes (while you’re getting yourself or the kids ready in the morning!) or overnight.

Coconut Milk Parfait - Amanda Naturally
Top with your favourite fruit, nuts or seeds. Or enjoy plain!

Coconut Milk Parfait - Amanda Naturally

What flavour combination are you going to try? Share in the comments below!

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