Tag Archives: inflammation

Braised Beef Shanks

Braised Beef Shanks | paleo, AIP | AmandaNaturally.comBuying real meat, from happy healthy animals, is really important to me and it is something that we encourage clients to move towards. “Happy healthy animals” have been allowed to graze on pasture, eat the food they’re meat to eat (cattle = grass, poultry and pork = grass, bugs, weeds, scraps etc), are free of unnecessary antibiotics, free from hormones and other drugs used to fatten them up, and allowed to “express their pig-ness or cow-ness” as Joel Salatin from Polyface Farms would say.

From an ethical standpoint, it’s a no-brainer. Animals should be treated with respect throughout their entire lives, including the way it is ended. They should not be raised in factories. It is a despicable practice.

From an environmental standpoint, it’s also a no-brainer. Diana Rodgers explains it beautifully in her book The Homegrown Paleo, which I’ll summarize quickly here.

  1. In a healthy, sustainable farm, herbivore animals require very little inputs in terms of water, chemicals, heavy machinery, fertilizers, pesticides etc.
  2. Pasture animals are integral because they thrive on areas of land that cannot be used for vegetable (or grain) production.
  3. It’s not possible to have a healthy vegetable farm, without any contribution from animals. Decomposing animal parts (all parts!) are critical for returning life-giving nutrients like bacteria, calcium and nitrogen to the earth.

From a nutritional perspective, grass-fed and pastured meat blows conventional meat out of the water (side note: why is inhumane, factory farming called “conventional” and natural, traditional way of farming forced to have another name??). It is more nutrient-dense (ie. contains more vitamin and minerals per calorie) and the fat profile of the animal become incredibly healthy! The fat shifts from inflammatory (high in omega-6’s) and full of the junk the animal was exposed to during its life, to anti-inflammatory (higher in omega-3’s) and full of fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A and D.

This is all fine and dandy, except for 2 things. Finding grass-fed/pastured meat can be challenging and when you do, it is often substantially more expensive. One of the best ways to reduce the cost of real meat is to buy an entire cow/pig. Go in with your family or a few friends and purchase a half a cow, or a whole hog. It does require an investment up front, but you will end up saving big time in the long run.

If this is not an option for you, then my biggest piece of advice is to get familiar with the cheaper cuts of meat. When I order from our butcher, these cuts make up the majority of my order:

  • medium ground beef
  • ground pork
  • pork sausages
  • breakfast sausages
  • chicken thighs
  • chicken drums
  • beef brisket
  • pork shoulder
  • chicken livers
  • beef heart
  • chicken feet
  • and….BEEF SHANKS!

Beef shanks are one of my favourite cuts of beef – in fact, any recipe that calls for stewing beef, I use beef shanks instead now. The shank is a cross section of the leg of an animal. It is really high in connective tissue (read about the amazing health benefits here) and it is on the bone, so it is a perfect cut for cooking low and slow. Braising, stewing and slow-cooking are the way to go with these bad boys. And the longer the better!

Braised Beef Shanks


  • Beef shanks
  • Sea salt (black pepper optional)
  • Cooking fat (tallow, lard, bacon grease, butter, ghee, coconut oil)
  • 2-3 onions, diced
  • garlic cloves, diced
  • bone broth
  • bay leaf


Bring beef shanks to room temperature, by letting them sit on the counter for 20-30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350F. Season the shanks with sea salt, and if desired, black pepper. 

In a large pan over medium high heat, add fat sear the beef shanks until they are beautifully browned on both sides. TIP: let the meat brown for a minimum of 3 minutes before checking it! 

Meanwhile, dice some onions.

When your beef has been seared, place it in a dutch oven or casserole dish. 

Immediately sauté the onions in the pan you just seared the beef in. If you need to, add some more fat. When the onions are translucent, approximately 5-7 minutes, spoon them on top of the beef shanks.

Add garlic (if you like garlic, use a whole head!), bay leaf and enough broth to come about ¾ of the way up the sides of the beef.

Cover and cook for a minimum of 2 hours, ideally 3 or more.

Serve with sautéed greens and plantain biscuits for sopping up the yummy broth and onions!


This can also be done in a slow cooker! Follow the same steps and place in your slow cooker for 8-12 hours.

This is my super basic recipe for braising beef shanks. Please get creative with this recipe! Add red wine instead of broth, or jack up the spices to create your own spin! But when in doubt, keep it simple and let the quality of the meat speak for itself! Enjoy!


Braised Beef Shanks
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
2 hr
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
2 hr
  1. beef shanks
  2. sea salt (black pepper optional)
  3. 1-2 tbsp cooking fat (tallow, lard, bacon grease, butter, ghee, coconut oil)
  4. 2-3 onions, diced
  5. garlic cloves, diced
  6. bone broth
  7. bay leaf
  1. Bring beef shanks to room temperature, by letting them sit on the counter for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350F.
  3. Season the shanks with sea salt, and if desired, black pepper.
  4. In a large pan over medium high heat, add fat sear the beef shanks until they are beautifully browned on both sides. Make sure to let the meat brown for a minimum of 3 minutes before checking it!
  5. Meanwhile, dice some onions.
  6. When your beef has been seared, place it in a dutch oven or casserole dish.
  7. Sauté the onions in the pan you just seared the beef in. If you need to, add some more fat.
  8. When the onions are translucent, approximately 5-7 minutes, spoon them on top of the beef shanks.
  9. Add garlic (if you like garlic, use a whole head!), bay leaf and enough broth to the dish to come about ¾ of the way up the sides of the beef.
  10. Cover and cook for a minimum of 2 hours, ideally 3 or more.
  1. This can also be done in a slow cooker! Follow the same steps and place in your slow cooker for 8-12 hours.
  2. This is my super basic recipe for braising beef shanks. Please get creative with this recipe! Add red wine instead of broth, or jack up the spices to create your own spin!
Amanda Naturally http://www.amandanaturally.com/

Eating Healthy Food Is Not A Choice

Eating Healthy Food Is Not A Choice | AmandaNaturally.comThis is an issue that has been really bothering me lately. It makes me so frustrated and angry that I literally feel like I’m going to cry!

When did we all choose to forget that our body rebuilds its tissues from nutrients found in food?

On average most of the tissues in our body turn over every 3 months, with some (like the cells of the digestive lining) turning over in as short a time span as 3 days! That’s a pretty incredible feat. And it’s a known, scientific fact. Our cells have a short (this is relative, and depends on the cell) lifespan, and when they die, they are replaced by new versions. So, how does our body make new cells? From building blocks. And where does it get those building blocks?


Ha! Kidding. 

Now obviously there’s a time and a place for pharmaceutical intervention, but that’s not the topic of this post. Our bodies get the building blocks we need to regenerate tissues on a daily basis, from the food we put in it. What does this mean?

Eating healthy food is not a choice. It is an obligation we have to ourselves.

Let’s take surgery for example. 

When you are in need of surgery (which is an incredible medical advancement btw!) there’s a major trauma to your entire body. Yes it saves lives, but in the process it is pretty damaging. Miraculously, your body has the ability to regenerate the tissue that was damaged. At risk of sounding repetitive, where does it get the building blocks to regenerate this tissue from? Food. A few specific nutrients required include:

  • fat and cholesterol
    • crucial for cell membranes
    • fat from whole, minimally processed sources such as avocado, coconut, olive, grass-fed/pastured animals and eggs, fish, some nuts/seeds
    • cholesterol is only found in animal products
  • animo acids
    • building blocks for new tissue
    • the complete protein spectrum, in the ideal ratios for us, are only found in animal products
  • omega-3 fats
    • potent anti-inflammatory action and an important component of cell membranes
    • highest in seafood, also found to a lesser extent in pastured eggs and grass-fed beef
    • NOTE: omega-3’s from plants (flax, chia, nuts etc.) are not the kind of omega-3 we need. They contain ALA, which we can only convert at max 2-3% (if you’re optimally healthy) to the omega-3’s we need (DHA and EPA)
  • glycine:
    • specific amino acid required for building the scaffolding that all tissues are built on (see post on bone broth for more info)
    • only found in the connective tissue and organs of animals
  • vitamin c
    • critical for connective tissue regeneration
    • yes it’s found in fruit (not juice!), but it’s found in way higher amounts in vegetables
    • beef liver blows an apple out of the water for vitamin C content by the way…
  • Vitamin D 
    • critical for immune modulation
    • exposure to the sun (without sunscreen on)
    • also high in pastured pork fat and cold water, oily fish like sardines
  • B complex vitamins
    • required for all cells to utilize fuel in order to function
    • ubiquitous, but found in highest concentrations in liver
  • folate
    • critical for detoxification, which is likely required do to the massive hit of drugs your body experienced during surgery
    • highest in leafy greens and chicken livers
    • NOTE: folate is the food source, folic acid is a synthetic version found in supplements and is not the same thing. In fact, in some cases folic acid can cause more damage than it heals

This is by no means an exhaustive list, in fact I barely skimmed the surface in order to keep this post from becoming a novel. But the point is evident. Nutrients are required to recover from surgery. Where do these nutrients come from? Our food. Plain and simple.

So if we were to take this extreme example and extrapolate to every day life, wouldn’t the same principles apply? Our digestive lining is constantly regenerating – we need nutrients to create new cells and tissues. What about our joints? With constant demand placed on them, especially if you move a lot, you need to provide them with the nutrients for efficient regeneration, otherwise they’re going to tell you they’re not happy! What about post-pregnancy? Heck that’s practically a surgery, and in many cases it is, but is any emphasis placed on food? No! I coached a dear friend through the delivery of her son about a year ago, and it was criminal the “food” they gave her after. What about the brain? I find that is a hard concept for people to wrap their heads around, but guys, the brain is just an organ. We know food impacts your heart and your arteries, so why can’t it impact your brain? Unfortunately symptoms of the brain simply manifest without pain, and instead as mood disorders, behavioural issues, seizures, brain fog and autism spectrum. So what is one thing we can do to help the brain? Give it the nutrients it needs.

I could go on and on, and I probably should because this seems to be something we have forgotten, but I’ll stop. People look at me like I’m crazy and roll their eyes when I have a food answer to every health question. But in reality, it’s pretty darn simple. Ann Wigmore said it best:

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

And trust me when I tell you, the way we’re eating right now is poisoning us. Every new generation of kids that are born are sicker and sicker. Anyone who has school-aged children will know that every year more and more foods are banned from school due to the astronomical number of life-threatening food allergies. There’s a school near us that has had to ban peanuts, tree nuts, seeds, fish and mustard due to the anaphylactic allergies. Babies are coming to see us on zantac because their digestive tracts are malfunctioning. Eczema and asthma run rampant. Behavioural issues, autism and ADHD diagnoses are getting out of control – even when corrected for higher rates of diagnosis and broader diagnostic criteria. It is assumed that everyone over the age of 60 must be on some kind of drug for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol etc. Gall bladders are being taken out left, right and centre. Fertility issues are getting worse. Approximately 20% of North Americans suffer from an autoimmune condition. Insomnia, depression and anxiety are among the highest medicated conditions these days. No one has any answers, and the one-symptom, one-drug approach is literally killing people. What the heck is going on?

We have forgotten that our bodies need nutrients to survive. Instead of focusing on nutrient value, we focus on reducing the time, energy and cost involved in preparing real food. As a result, our bodies are falling apart. We ignore the warning signs early in life and push through, often suppressing symptoms with drugs, until the body reaches a breaking point. Now a simple change towards healthy food isn’t enough, and extreme health interventions are required to bring people back to normal. 

You might think I’m being a little extreme, but every week we see dozens of people whose bodies are falling apart. Kidney failure from being on diabetes drugs for too many years. Osteoporosis from chronic antacid use (whose labelled use is for a max of 4-6 weeks, not decades). Third and fourth autoimmune conditions popping up in one individual, after improper management of the first and second. Regression at 18 months old to not speaking or making eye contact, which no explanation for the cause. School-aged children having no control over their bodies. Arthritis onsetting as early as 20. It’s heart-breaking. And so much of it is preventable.

The saddest part is we’re not just harming ourselves. We are experiencing this breaking point later in life, but our children are being born with it. This has to stop.

Yes it’s tough to change your diet. Yes cookies, cake, cereal, granola bars and bread are delicious. Yes it’s easier to turn a blind eye and hope for the best. You want to know what’s not easy? Chronic, debilitating pain. Autoimmune conditions that keep you house-bound. Seeing a child covered head-to-toe in eczema, crying with severe abdominal pain, or not able to say “I love you” anymore. Watching a loved one die of cancer or cardiovascular disease. It’s those challenges that make eating healthy a breeze.

Eating healthy food is not a choice. It is an obligation we have to ourselves. It is an obligation we have to our children, our children’s children and to the future of the human race.


Borrowed from Melissa Ramos at www.sexyfoodtherapy.com
Borrowed from Melissa Ramos at www.sexyfoodtherapy.com

Harvest Breakfast Hash

Harvest Breakfast Hash | Egg-Free | AIP | Paleo | AmandaNaturally.comHave you ever thought about how many different variations of flour + dairy + sugar make up our breakfasts in North America? It’s pretty astounding! Whether it’s a bagel & cream cheese, a bowl of cereal, toast with jam, eggo waffles and “maple syrup” (i.e. corn syrup + maple flavour), a muffin and a double double from Tim’s – it’s all the same thing, in a different form. And most importantly, it’s all crap. None of the foods we consider breakfast foods are actually food. They’ve all gone through an incredible amount of processing, and we’re left with nutrient-poor, albeit incredibly tasty, food-like products.

The one exception is eggs so boy oh boy do I capitalize on those when I’m working with clients! 

Interesting side note: someone can eat a bagel and cream cheese, or toast and PB every day for breakfast and not get bored of it, but try suggesting eggs every day for breakfast and you’ll immediately get a firm “but I couldn’t eat them every day, I need some variety”. Very interesting…

Anyways, eggs are super awesome in so many ways. They’re full of incredible nutrients, healthy cholesterol (yes I said healthy!) and lots of protein. Still worried they’re causing heart disease? Think again my friends and go read Eat the Yolks by Liz Wolfe from Real Food Liz.

Harvest Breakfast Hash | Egg-Free | AIP | Paleo| AmandaNaturally.com
Step 1: Chop Veggies
Harvest Breakfast Hash | Egg-Free | AIP | Paleo| AmandaNaturally.com
Step 2: Pile on the Bacon!








As awesome as eggs are for you, they’re also, sadly, a super common allergy. Not to mention they must be eliminated if you’re in the early stages of recovering from an autoimmune condition. And since we’ve already eliminated the other normal breakfast foods, once we eliminate eggs, we’re pretty much without breakfast foods. 

Now, when you’ve been following a real food diet for long enough, you start to think of food as food, and meals as meals, instead of breakfast food and breakfast. Heck, my favourite breakfast these days is soup – but that’s probably because bone broth makes my body feel so much better. Oh and soup’s awesome.

However, I can absolutely appreciate when my clients are a little hesitant about eating regular food for breakfast. I used to be a strict “breakfast food before 11am” person – it took me a while to get to soup and leftovers for breakfast. So with that in mind, I’ve created a delicious breakfast hash brown recipe, made with foods that are often consumed at breakfast and is egg-free! I bring you: Harvest Breakfast Hash!

Harvest Breakfast Hash | Egg-Free | AIP | Paleo| AmandaNaturally.com

This beautiful dish is filled with delicious goodies. Roasted sweet potatoes, smoky bacon, sweet apples and (this is going to floor my mom) fennel! Let me explain that comment in parenthesis…I hate fennel. Like absolutely despise it! I have always hated the flavour of black licorice, even as a kid, and fennel tastes like black licorice. Interestingly enough, black licorice is in the legume family, and since I have such a severe intolerance to legumes, I like to think my fierce aversion to licorice was my body’s attempt at protecting me! Now if only it had done that with milk…

Harvest Breakfast Hash | Egg-Free | AIP | Paleo| AmandaNaturally.com

So last week our food bin brought us a beautiful fennel bulb and I felt sick about throwing it straight in the compost. I had also read recently that roasted fennel is a much more mellow flavour. Also, I had used up all my eggs making banana muffins, so we had no eggs for Sunday brunch. So I figured I’d use the fennel in an egg-free breakfast hash – something I’ve been meaning to try for all my egg-free clients! And heck, if I hated it, I knew my husband would happily eat it all. So what happened?

I loved it!!

If you’re not sure, or you think you hate fennel, try it roasted in this recipe. If you really don’t like it, this recipe is still awesome with out it. Also, if you are lucky enough to tolerate eggs, slap a fried egg on top and let this hash soak up all the yolky goodness!


Harvest Breakfast Hash
An egg-free, autoimmune protocol-friendly breakfast that is packed with flavour! Makes an awesome side dish or salad topper as well!
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
45 min
Total Time
1 hr
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
45 min
Total Time
1 hr
  1. 8 cups sweet potato, diced
  2. 1 bulb fennel, chopped
  3. ½ red onion, chopped
  4. 2 apples, cored and chopped
  5. 4-5 cloves of garlic, minced
  6. sea salt
  7. black pepper (omit if strict AIP)
  8. 1 lb pastured bacon, chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 425F.
  2. Combine sweet potato, fennel, red onion, apple and garlic in a large roasting pan. Alternatively you can use 2 smaller pans or baking sheets.
  3. Add a liberal amount of sea salt and black pepper (if not strict AIP) and stir to combine
  4. Top with bacon pieces.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes, stirring 2 or 3 times.
  6. Broil for the final 5 minutes before serving.
  1. Omit fennel if you don't like it!
  2. Substitute butternut squash for SCD.
  3. Top with a fried egg if tolerated!
Amanda Naturally http://www.amandanaturally.com/

Harvest Breakfast Hash | Egg-Free | AIP | Paleo| AmandaNaturally.com


So tell me, have you gotten over the breakfast food for breakfast hump yet? If yes, what is your favourite non-traditional breakfast? If not, give it a go and report back!

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